Thursday, July 16, 2009

Does a bear .... in the wood? YES, THEY ALSO LIVE THERE!

Ok, I've got a serious concern for people lately, and here's why. I watched "The Grizzly Man" the other day on Animal Planet, and after laughing so hard I nearly puked, (no honey, those weren't sympathy pukes), I came to a realization that some people really are mentally retarded. If you haven't seen The Grizzly Man, I strongly recommend it. It's a story of Timothy Treadwell's attempt to live with the grizzly bears in Alaska. If you can't predict the ending of the documentary from reading my previous sentence, you may want to stop reading here. I realize the show is a couple years old, but SPOILER ALERT!! HE GETS EATEN BY A GRIZZLY BEAR!! That's right folks, the Grizzly Man became one with a grizzly, or at least the bear's teeth, and later on, his other end too. I realize I'm being harsh, but come on. What did he expect? Did he think they'd let him ride on their back, share a fresh killed salmon, and maybe cuddle in a cave? The saddest part is he dragged his girlfriend along and she ended up suffering the same fate. Don't get me wrong, the footage this guy had was unbelievable. He got very close, too close apparently, to some phenomenal creatures, and shot some great footage of fights, feeding, and other activities. His problem was that he forgot to take the most important piece of camping equipment with him, common sense.
I enjoy watching wildlife quite a bit. One of my main reasons for hunting is for the chance to get out and see the animals in their natural world/habitat. I've followed elk, seen bears, yes in Utah, and seen numerous other animals and it's incredible. I highly recommend it, but only for people who don't ride the short bus to work every day. Have some common sense. Bears live in the woods, our camps are in the woods, so guess whats bound to happen. Don't be the guy that ends up a statistic of some freak occurrence, but instead be the guy that is prepared and knows how to deal with small situations before they become freak occurrences.

"Watt's" in a name?

IT'S A GIRL! After much debating on whether or not to find out the gender of our soon to arrive little one, we found out it's a little girl. Britt has been saying from day 1 that she thought it was a girl, and sure enough, mom was right. She is very healthy and is growing extremely fast, we couldn't ask for more. From what I'd always heard, women were only sick for the first few weeks, than instead of being sick, they had cravings for sick things, like pickle juice, pigs feet, etc. Well, apparently Britt is making up all the sick time all you other gals skipped over. She has had a rough go of things, puking spontaneously with no warning, enduring long stretches of heart burn, and seeing herself literally grow out of her wardrob. Either way, she's a trooper and is hanging in there, I couldn't be more proud. On top of enduring all of this, she graduated from Weber State, and passed her boards! She is now an RN. Congratulations sweetheart!

Now to explain the clever title of this post. We are still working names for our little one. So far, the names I like have been used by her cousins and the many kids they have, so I'm SOL on those. Feel free to send over any suggestions as we have 'till November to make a final decision.